Pre–Approved document is one in which a person with the
final authority to approve the purchasing document approves it, but then
forwards it to someone else for additional approval, thus changing its status
to Pre–Approved.
Check whether you are using Encumbrance accounting in Oracle
Purchasing.If you are,then you may find this issue, in case no funds are reserved
for the PO.So then we need to Reserve the fund before
approving.It means your organization uses encumbrance budgeting (reserves funds
for documents), and the purchasing document is eligible for approval but funds
have not yet been reserved for it. Even if someone with sufficient approval
authority approves this document, its status may still remain Pre–Approved if
funds were not able to be reserved at the time of approval. Once funds have
been reserved for the approved document, the document changes its status to
A Pre–Approved document does not show up as supply for
planning module until its status changes to Approved.